The boys and girls from Virgin Mary schools had a very special celebration on their Confirmation Day back on the 6th March. We could never have known that day how quickly life was going to change for us all. We were so sad the following week when we had to postpone the Confirmation for the children from Holy Spirit schools. It was really hard for the boys and girls, for families and for all in the school & parish community. The children from St. Joseph's Senior school were due to be confirmed on the 22nd of this month and once again this very special celebration has been postponed for the moment. The girls and boys have been very brave facing this big disappointment.
Many of you saw Fr. Declan's message to the children from Virgin Mary Schools who were due to receive their First Communion yesterday. Along with the children from Holy Spirit and St. Joseph's schools who were due to receive their First Communion next Sunday, they have faced huge disappointment and sadness.
We want all the children to know that we are thinking about them. Boys and girls we know how difficult these last few months have been for you and how disappointed you are about your Confirmation and First Communion. We feel sad but there's room in our hearts for hope. As soon as we can, we will make arrangements to celebrate these very special days with you. Jesus is with us as our special friend to help us. The Holy Spirit will guide us and strengthen us.
Although we are not together in the usual ways, we are still one great circle of friends. We can pray for each other every day and pray for all those who are sick. We remember the wonderful people caring for the sick and all those who are helping us through this difficult time.
Rosemary in St. Joseph's Junior School made a lovely video and is happy to share it with all the children in St. Pappin's Parish. Everyone here in the parish wants you to know how special you are to us. We are very proud of you and we are really looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Take good care and stay safe.