We’re very familiar with the Gospel story of the forty days Jesus spends fasting in the desert. It is a time when he faces real struggle and temptation. Strengthened by the Spirit, he freely chooses to be true to his mission and proclaims that the Kingdom of God is near.
As we begin our Lenten journey we reflect on our experiences of the wilderness, those places where we experience struggle and temptation. There is a sense in which the last year has been a profound desert experience for us as individuals and as a global community. We have been brought to our knees and tested in so many ways. The experience of struggle and vulnerability brings us to the very heart of who we are. Like Jesus we are invited to make a choice, to continue to trust in our God of faithful love. We too are strengthened by the Spirit as we do our very best to choose the way of living and loving that Jesus has shown us.
At the heart of our journey is not what we give up but WHAT WE ARE GIVEN. Jesus brings us the Good News of a God of mercy and compassion. We are invited to come back to the Lord to experience love that is tender, generous, forgiving and understanding. Our repentance is about turning away from whatever holds us back from opening our hearts to the heart of God’s love. These days of Lent are joyful days of grace. As we come back to the Lord in prayer, we deepen our relationship of love and trust. As we grow in love, we become more loving towards our neighbour. In this way we continue to be people of Good News witnessing to the values of God’s Kingdom.
We remember Margaret O’ Toole and Jim Murray whose funerals took place this week. As we entrust them to the heart of God’s eternal love, we remember all those who have died recently. We pray for those who are grieving at this time, for all who are sick and for all who are caring for them. May God’s Spirit of comfort and peace be with them.