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St. Pappin's Parish

Diocesan Safeguarding Day 2019

Thank you to our Parish Safeguarding Reps who oversee the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults participating in parish activities, ministries and events. They ensure the safeguarding standards and practices in our parish are compliant with those set down by the National Board for Safeguarding Children. Safeguarding is ultimately everyone’s responsibility as together we create a safe, healthy, faith community for the people of our Parish. The Parish Safeguarding Reps voluntarily undertake the role and are responsible for raising awareness of safeguarding aims, policies and procedures and promoting good and safe practices in all activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults within the parish community.

St. Pappin’s Parish Safeguarding Reps are Richard Gallagher, Mary Judge & Elaine Prendergast, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time that you give and for the expertise that you offer.

Anyone who has safeguarding concerns should report them to your local Garda station, Tusla, or the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person. Further information is available in the church porches

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