Palm Sunday: April 10th
Blessing of Palm at all Masses
Monday April 11th
Reconciliation Service
Holy Spirit Church 7.00p.m.
Holy Thursday: April 14th
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
St. Joseph’s Church 7.00p.m.
Good Friday: April 15th
Outdoor Stations of the Cross
Beginning at St. Joseph’s Church 11.00a.m.
Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion
Virgin Mary Church 3.00p.m.
Prayer Around the Cross
Virgin Mary Church 7.00p.m.
Holy Saturday: April 16th
Easter Vigil
Holy Spirit Church 7.00p.m.
Easter Sunday Mass
Holy Spirit 10.30a.m. St Joseph’s 11.00a.m. Virgin Mary 11.30a.m.
