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Keep Hope Alive

St. Pappin's Parish

Hope you’re holding up ok through these challenging times. It’s hard going for everyone as we continue to cope with the Covid 19 pandemic. It’s not at all easy living with the current restrictions and coping with so much uncertainty.

Last week we celebrated World Mission Sunday with the theme TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE. This is surely the time to remember how much we can do together when we stand united in our determination to look out for one another. Following the public health guidelines is not just about sticking to a set of rules; it runs much deeper than that as it is about real solidarity where we make a commitment to the health, safety and well-being of each other.

This Sunday’s Gospel reminds us that LOVE is at the heart of God’s law. Our God invites us into a relationship of unconditional love and calls us to live out of that love. The power of this love gives us strength and hope. Let’s open our hearts to this love in a way that helps us to keep hope alive, within ourselves, within our families and community.

We will continue to stream all Masses at the scheduled times from our three Churches. The link is available at The parish offices will be closed during the current restrictions. If you leave a message at any of the office numbers, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Holy Spirit Church will be open for private prayer Monday – Friday 10.30-12.30

We remember in our prayers Paddy Rogan, Jacqueline Stevenson, Christy Burke, Teresa Fagan, Teresa Boylan who died recently. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends. May they rest forever in the peace of God’s love.

Hope all the children enjoy the mid-term break from school. Enjoy some family time this bank holiday weekend. Take good care, go safely and gently.



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