We begin our celebration of Holy Week with Palm Sunday recalling the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and hearing the story of the Passion from St. Mark’s Gospel. We are drawn into the story as it continues to unfold what is at the very heart of our faith. Jesus who took on our human nature shows us the face and heart of God’s love. He lived among us in fragile human flesh and bone, making himself vulnerable to suffering. His mission of love and solidarity with the poor and the broken brought him into conflict with the authorities. His way of love, his truth and his life ultimately led to his death on the cross. NO GREATER LOVE
When Jesus died on the Cross, he destroyed death forever. In rising from the dead, he restores life and hope. It is as people of hope that we journey through Holy Week. The memory of Jesus’ passion awakens in us a renewed attention to the suffering that so many endure. It demands that we open our hearts to the pain of others and reach out with compassion and understanding.
The last year has in many ways brought us to our knees as we face an intense experience of global suffering. There has been no escape from our vulnerability as individuals and as a society. Our experience of this crisis might help us to understand the suffering our brothers and sisters in the developing world have endured for many decades. We bring our personal suffering and the suffering of our world to the foot of the cross. As we accompany Jesus through his passion and death, we trust that he is with us in our weakness and vulnerability. He sits with parents who weep for their sick children. He embraces those struggling with addiction and comforts those who grieve. Jesus reaches out to bless and include gay men and women and all those who are excluded by a judgemental Church.
Jesus shows us a way of loving in the midst of all our suffering. His way of loving leads us out of darkness into God’s wonderful light. He carries us with him from death to new life.
We pray for Richard Thompson whose funeral takes place this weekend. May he rest forever in the peace of God’s eternal love. We remember all who are grieving so deeply at this time.
We hope you will join us online for our Holy Week ceremonies. We will post the programme for the week ahead with all the links to our webcam. Thinking of you all and keeping you in prayer. Go safely and gently.
Save us Saviour of the World
By your cross and Resurrection
You have set us free