One of the first words we learned as children is that simple word THANKS. We grew up learning the importance of saying thanks when we receive even the smallest gift or act of kindness. In saying thanks, we express our appreciation towards someone, we acknowledge them and let them know that we do not take them for granted. A true spirit of gratitude enables us to look at ourselves, at others and at our world in a positive, wholesome way.
In times of grief, gratitude for the life of the person we have lost helps us to carry the sadness and loss. As we continue to face the crisis of the Coronavirus, a spirit of gratitude helps us cope with the challenges of life through these worrying days. As we begin a new day, it is good to take time to count our blessings and to acknowledge everyone and everything in our lives that we appreciate. We pray in thanksgiving and with deep humility for the extraordinary women and men who are working in so many ways to bring healing and comfort in this time of crisis. We remember with gratitude our families and friends who are supporting us with love, encouragement, understanding, good humour and helping us in so many practical ways.
The Bible is packed with expressions of gratitude. The psalms are poetic heartfelt prayers of praise, trust and thanks. These prayers are often accompanied by the psalmist’s plea for help. Mary’s MAGNIFICAT is a profound prayer of thanks as she acknowledges God’s immense goodness to her and to humanity. Jesus thanks his Father for revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom to “mere children”. We are among those children when we open our hearts to God with humility, gratitude and trust.
As people of faith we give thanks to our God for the gift of His love poured into our hearts at baptism. We thank God for the gift of his son Jesus who made his home among us and walks with us as our brother. As we prepare to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we thank God for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Our hearts are strengthened in hope as we trust in the power of God’s life and love. We take a few minutes today to join in this psalm of thanks:
In the Lord, I’ll be ever thankful
In the Lord I will rejoice
Look to God
Do not be afraid
Lift up your voices
The Lord is near