As we begin a new month, let's take a few minutes to enjoy this beautiful song of blessing that was launched yesterday, Pentecost Sunday
The Irish Blessing (Beannacht uile-Éireann) is a project inspired by the many international recordings of "The Blessing” (by Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe and Elevation Worship) which have been made during this time of pandemic. We wanted to honour that inspiration, whilst at the same time, honouring the unique history and culture of our island. So we chose a song that would resonate across the island, with every denomination and cultural grouping, one that could be used as a platform to sing a Blessing over our land, all our key-workers and those they are caring for. “Be Thou My Vision” is just such a hymn written over 1000 years ago. It reminds us of the One to whom we should look in this time of pandemic, whose presence is our light, the source of our wisdom, in whom we find our treasure and where we find victory. Individuals from 300 Christian churches and organisations located in every county on the island submitted self-recordings of vocals and instruments which have been compiled by our creative team to produce this music video - we hope you receive a blessing as you watch it.