This coming Friday was to be that special day of Confirmation for the children from St. Joseph’s Senior School. It is not easy to carry the sadness and disappointment that comes with the postponement of the celebration. Our hope helps us to carry the sadness as we remember that the children will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation as soon as we can arrange it within the guidelines about large indoor gatherings.
The boys and girls had been working extremely hard along with their parents, teachers, and the parish confirmation team. They had been coming to the Pastoral Centre each week for their preparation programme YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES. In one of the sessions they shared their thoughts and beliefs about the Holy Spirit. Their sharing showed how their hearts are so open to God’s Spirit. “The Holy Spirit is a good Spirit watching over us, caring for us and giving us a way of being strong. The Holy Spirit is in everyone and brings God’s life. The Holy Spirit gives everyone holiness. The Holy Spirit helps us in our choices.”
The children’s beliefs are echoed in our readings this weekend as we hear of the promise of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises the disciples that God our Father will send them another advocate, the Spirit of Truth. He reaches out to them and reassures them that they will never be abandoned. This year our preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost comes at a time of so much sadness and distress, fear and anxiety. As we search for hope our God of life reaches out to us with the promise of his Spirit. We can already see so many signs and fruits of God’s spirit in the generosity and kindness of so many during this crisis.
As the children continue to patiently wait for their Confirmation day, we prepare for the great feast of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Although we are apart, we remain together as witnesses to the power of God’s life and love. We trust in the promise of today’s gospel that God’s Spirit is in us. We pray that the gifts of the Spirit poured into our hearts at baptism will bear fruit and enable us to walk together as a community of faith, hope and love.
Holy Spirit Come
And fill this place
Bring us healing
With your warm embrace