This third Sunday of Advent is a time to rejoice. We rejoice as we trust the words of John the Baptist who confidently tells us that Jesus is the light coming into the world. We do not have to ignore the difficulties or darkness that we experience. The promise of God is that the darkness will not have the last word. God’s words of promise are not empty. The Word is made flesh and lives among us. As we prepare to welcome Christ at Christmas, we open our hearts with joy and hope trusting that we are led out of darkness into God’s wonderful light.
John the Baptist encourages us to prepare the way of the Lord. As we make our Advent journey together, people of faith throughout the world are participating in another journey. The pathway for this journey is a synodal pathway where together we once again try to discover the way of the Lord for our Church community. Over the coming months we will create opportunities for us to gather to listen to each other. We will pray to the Holy Spirit to lead us gently into deeper communion and participation with a renewed sense of mission.
The Synod prayer is available in our three Churches. Please take one home and take a minute every day to bring that prayer before the Lord. We rejoice this Advent Sunday as we trust in the Lord’s loving presence and in the Holy Spirit who guides us as together we follow the way of the Lord.
Take good care and mind yourselves. Go safely and gently.
Come Lord Jesus
Come and be born in our hearts