The listening process which we had during lent, which is part of the Synodal journey, now continues over the coming weeks under the Diocesan title “Building Hope”.
Over the coming weeks, the Diocese invites us to continue the process of reflection on how to respond to the pastoral situation in which we in our parish find ourselves. Archbishop Farrell says, “truly we need to be courageous in moving forward in new ways”. We need each other on this road, all the baptised working closely together with their gifts and talents, sharing their resources and wisdom in the service of our parishes and the one mission entrusted to us all in Christ.
You are invited to join us on Monday 23rd May in St. Pappin's Pastoral Centre at 7:00pm for the next gathering to further reflect under the title “Building Hope”.
Everybody’s opinion matters and is important, so if you can, please come along on the 23rd. Looking forward to seeing you