We can all remember very special times in our lives that felt wonderful; times, places and people that lifted our hearts and brought us to a place of deep peace. These special experiences can have a lasting impact on us. We might sometimes wish that they could have lasted forever and draw on the memory of them to give us strength in more challenging times.
In this week’s Gospel of the Transfiguration of Jesus, Peter experiences something that feels wonderful and wants to stay in that moment at the top of the mountain. Jesus himself has a profound experience. He is called in love by his Father. He is radiant in that love that recognises him as the chosen one. The deepest part of Jesus is called forth enabling him to make the most difficult journey in his life. Jesus comes down the mountain and takes the road that leads to Calvary.
The wonderful experience of transfiguration brought Jesus to the heart of who he was. Throughout his ministry he transformed people’s lives. The Lord calls each one of us in love so that we too can come closer to who we really are. These days of Lent invite us to be transformed by God’s grace, to be healed in those places in our lives where we experience struggle and weakness. Trusting that we are called in love gives us the courage to take the road of living and loving that Jesus has shown us.
We remember John Keenan and Pappy Lyons whose funerals took place in our parish this week. We remember Frank O’ Rourke, William Kennedy, Margaret Cusack and all those who have died recently. They have been called in love into God’s presence in heaven. May they rest forever in the peace of God’s eternal love.