On Tuesday 9th May 2023 at St. Pappin's Pastoral Centre, Fr. Declan Blake & Fr. Rajesh Joseph hosted an evening of thanks to celebrate the women and men who work alongside the priests in our parish. Lay ministry, volunteers and those who work within our parish make a significant contribution to pastoral life, they keep our parish alive.
We are so grateful to you all for the time and hard work you dedicate to supporting our parish.
The pastoral needs of the diocese have changed and grown, as has the need for all
kinds of lay ministries. Growing our lay ministry teams is part of the Building Hope strategy, new volunteers are always welcome.
Together with priests, lay ministers are enabling a new way of being the Church that is building hope and a new future for the people of the Archdiocese.
Working together, let us strive to ‘put fresh heart’ (Acts 14:21) into our faith communities, like Paul and Barnabas, encouraged by the hope we have in the Risen Lord and in the Spirit he sends to challenge and renew us.