As we begin our Advent journey in hope, we heard very encouraging news that we can once again gather together for Mass and public prayer. Thank you for being so patient over the last number of months as we have lived with very difficult restrictions.
Following numerous discussions, the Level 3 public health guidelines regarding churches have been amended and we can now open within these
guidelines. This change comes with responsibility to gather safely with regard for the health and well being of each other and of our community. We became very familiar with the necessary requirements when we reopened at the end of June.
Our three Churches of Holy Spirit, St. Joseph’s and Virgin Mary will reopen on Tuesday 1st December and Masses will be at the usual scheduled times. The Masses will continue to be streamed online.
A number of key guidelines are essential to ensure we can continue to keep our churches open.
Maximum of 50 people in attendance
Wearing a face covering is essential
Keeping our distance of 2 metres at all times
Sanitising our hands
It will be so good to gather again in hope as we prepare for Christmas.
We will update you with more details for our Christmas Masses.
Please contact any of the Parish Offices if you have any queries.
We look forward to seeing you soon. Take good care, go safely and gently