How often do we say we need a plan? We regularly spend time putting our plans in action. We can be critical of those in leadership when they appear to be slow to put necessary plans in place. Our God has a plan for us that we would have life in all its fullness. Pope Francis talks about God’s dream for humanity. At the heart of this great dream is the promise made to Mary in today’s Gospel that nothing is impossible to God.
We can understand Mary’s fear as she is invited to enter into God’s plan. She freely and courageously accepts God’s plan to be the mother of Jesus. In Mary the impossible is made possible. The Word is made flesh and God’s dream becomes a reality.
In this last week of Advent Mary shows us what it is to be a true disciple. We see in her a depth of humility, a generous heart of faith and trust. With Mary we wait and hope that the Lord will come and set us free. As we are led out of darkness into God’s wonderful light, we discover time and time again that nothing is impossible to God.
Mary listened and trusted not to be afraid. We try to find time every day to listen to God’s presence within us and around us. Do not be afraid. God is with us.
Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with you
Blessed are you among women
And blessed is the fruit of your womb